Wow - Upstart news network makes Tucker Carlson a huge offer he can't really refuse

Fox News let its top-rated host, Tucker Carlson, go earlier this week, but it doesn't appear as though he will be out of work for very long.

According to entertainment site TMZ, an upstart news network has just made him an incredible offer that, really, he will have a hard time turning down if it's true.

“Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ … the news channel is doing everything it can to sweeten the deal for Tucker to come on board — including floating the idea of letting him program the whole channel, not just his own show,” the outlet reported.

“That would be a pretty enticing deal point … in addition to having his own primetime show, Tucker would have a say over what shows lead into and out of his show, which can be key in achieving bigger TV ratings,” the report noted further.

“While our sources stress Newsmax hasn’t formally offered Tucker a job — he can’t have formal discussions due to his current Fox News contract — we’re told the network execs have made it clear to people around him, they would basically give him a big say in rebranding their channel,” TMZ added.

Could Tucker pass up something this amazing? Who knows -- but it would sure be hard to become the master of your own universe overnight. We'll keep an eye on this development and let readers know where Carlson lands the moment we find out.

Reports show One America News offered Tucker Carlson and invite to negotiate terms too, but nothing has been reported since.

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