'No doubt a legitimate crisis': Geraldo Rivera admits NYC migrants causing issues

Geraldo Rivera went on 'Fox and Friends' to talk about New York City's damaging problem with the influx of migrants and Rivera finally admit that it's causing a 'legitimate crisis' ahead of NYC's summer tourism season. Business leaders were warning people about the possible troubles from the influx of migrants because it seemed like NYC had some issues finding places for these folks to stay, at some point loading up local hotels with migrants too.

Rivera was quoted by Fox News saying the following:

It is no doubt a legitimate crisis in New York. 3,500 hotel rooms are being occupied currently by migrants. Governor Hochul wants to help Mayor Adams. The city is taking most of the burden. It's been almost 70,000 have arrived since this crisis began. There are 40,000 now, right now that need housing. Hotel rooms are being taken up. So the city, in its desperation, has turned to the state. The state says, well, maybe use our old psychiatric hospitals that have been closed or maybe the dorms of the State University of New York, SUNY New York, because now the semester is ending. But, you know, Lawrence, there's a problem. We've got to deal with the problem. What do you do about the problem? The solution, I believe, is to give expedited work permits to these migrants, bypass some of the red tape, and let them work so they can pay for their own hotels.

Rivera isn't the only person speaking about the issues with migrants in New York City. Democrat Mayor of NYC, Eric Adams, was talking about it too and suggesting that migrants should be sent to every city in the country. However, many Republicans suggest the migrants go to Democrat cities only because Republicans are more interested in taking care of their own people while many Democrats appear to be 'open border' supporters that end up flooding cities and causing issues like in NYC.

Eric Adams said:

"We have 108,000 cities, villages, towns. If everyone takes a small portion of that, and if it's coordinated at the border, to ensure that those who are coming here to this country in a lawful manner is actually moved throughout the entire country, it is not a burden on one city... And the numbers need to be clear. We received over 70,000 migrant asylum seekers in our city, 42,000 are still in our care. If this is properly handled at the border level, this issue can be resolved while we finally get Congress, particularly the Republican Party, to deal with a comprehensive immigration policy."

No matter which way people look at it, the migrant issue is causing major problems for the cities the people are being sent to.
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