Write for Us

What’s up!

Would you like to write news stories for Trending Views and get paid for your work? If so, then you’re in the right place!

We publish stories that our audience loves and we’re always looking for more contributors. No experience is necessary and you’ll work directly with our editor, taking priceless feedback and experience along the way. You can pitch stories or they can be assigned. You can also reject any story you’re not comfortable writing. Our editorial process will do the titles, photos, and publishing themselves. Our writers are ONLY required to write and enjoy themselves.

This is something you can do in your free time for extra money while working from home and we don’t require any contracts or tedious paperwork. Come and go as you please.

Writers are paid once per month.

We’re specifically looking for writers who enjoy news/politics, entertainment, and sports. If that’s you, then send a very short writing sample to this email address: