I thought teachers were supposed to be in the classroom? Welp, here’s a teacher at a protest arguing with a student. I would mark them both absent. What’s the rule that some professors have? If you have three unexcused absences, then you fail the class? Right? Can we fail both the student and the teacher in this case? They both look like completely and utterly insane people just screaming at each other, not even realizing that none of what they do means anything at all.
Hey folks, your protests on college campuses to stop a war thousands of miles away can’t be heard by anyone overseas. I know you want the fighting to end, and trust me – we all want peace over there, but you need to realize these protests are meaningless. The people fighting cannot hear you. They’re not going to stop fighting because you’re screaming at a college. I know you all mean well, and I feel for you, but go back to class. Go learn something and do something meaningful later in life. This way, if I ever get stuck paying off your school loan, then at least I know you’re doing well with my tax money.