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Trump goes to Chick-fil-A


Former President Donald Trump visited Chick-fil-A in Atlanta, GA. Trump stopped by to make an order and had a fun chat with the staff, leaving them in smiles and laughter. Trump sure knows how to work a crowd, no matter if it’s a venue filled with thousands of people or just a small fast food place.

The difference between Trump and Joe Biden, in my opinion, is that you don’t see too many videos showing people yelling “f-ck Donald Trump” or anything like that. However, there’s been so many times where people yell things towards Joe Biden and it makes you wonder if there’s anyone in America who truly likes that guy. There’s also videos of large crowds in sports stadiums chanting “f*ck Joe Biden” – and I still haven’t met anyone who actually voted for him. It’s been four years and I can’t name one single Joe Biden supporter. Makes you wonder, doesn’t it?

And let’s remind people that consumer reports came out showing we’re paying 3.5% more for consumer goods than we did last March – there’s nothing to like about Joe Biden or his failed White House, is there?

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