A small group of protesters at Princeton University were seen disrupting an event called the P-Rade. Some users on X, like the ones grifting for engagement, were saying it was the Memorial Day Parade - but it was not. A report on the Daily Princetonian confirmed this:
Chants of “Free, free Palestine” and “’99, chug a beer” overlapped on the P-Rade route outside Whitman College on Saturday, May 25 as pro-Palestine protesters attempted to disrupt the University’s signature Reunions tradition. Approximately 30 pro-Palestine protesters stopped the P-Rade for about two minutes, rushing into the middle of Elm Drive and sitting in the road with linked arms. The group — including current students and alumni in their class jackets — was almost immediately handed written arrest warnings from University officials. The protesters then cleared the road and began chanting at the P-Rade from the sides of the road, holding signs and Palestinian flags. No arrests were made.