Watch Matt Gaetz demolish Geraldo so bad even Hannity stepped in
1 year ago
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Geraldo said: "Congressman, with your filibuster right now, you are portraying yourself to the American people as a thoughtful legislator... And yet, the publicity that you get – characteristically – almost inevitably is flamboyant, it’s confrontational."
Gaetz responded with "a substantive argument about changes to the process."
It was so bad that even Sean Hannity had to step in and put a foot down against struggling Geraldo.
Hannity said: “He answered your very specific question about what he was fighting for... My only argument – and Matt and I talked in December, you can verify this as true – my only beef with everybody was I wanted everybody to be in full agreement by January 3rd. Four days, it came and went. Now everybody’s on the same page."
Shout out to Trending Politics for the partial transcript.