'These are our kids. They belong to all of us': KJP gets TORCHED over comment
1 year ago

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Take a look at any 'trans kid' and who their parents are. Are their parents living that lifestyle too? If so, then the parents are pushing that on their kids, manipulating the children into thinking it's normal. Now they're going to mess those kids up for the rest of their lives and the majority of people on Earth are SICK OF IT and finally pushing back on these predators.
If you want to make an OF account and sell pictures of your b-hole to the Internet, then fine. That's YOUR decision, but NO parents should be encouraging or pushing a life of transgenderism on any children. Let them turn 18 and decide for themselves what they want to be when they grow up, but don't push this garbage on them. That makes you a horrible parent ruining their lives and that's not cool.