MAGA-Loving Model quits company that featured biological MALE in lingerie
1 year ago
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Teresi seemed outraged that the brand would even do something so silly, so she quit and won't be modeling their clothes anymore. Teresi had no problem letting Honey Birdette go woke, then go broke! Teresi was also just on Fox News Business to talk about her decision and how she was taking a stand against the nonsense. If you think about it, whatever money that guy was paid to model the lingerie should have been given to a woman who could properly model it. As a guy, I know I'm not shopping there for my girlfriend. I just can't support a company that mocks women like that. No dude should be wearing lingerie on an advertisement.
Teresi has over a million followers, so her story will surely resonate with her audience and it's unclear how her statements will affect the business of Honey Birdette. I know I won't be shopping there. Never did before, but certainly won't now.