Woman entered Chicago Trump Tower with rifle. Police swarmed, incident resolved
1 year ago
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Chicago Police Communications reported: "SWAT officers are on-scene in the 400 block of N. Wabash for a domestic-related incident. At this time, we believe this is an isolated incident and there is no threat to the public. Media staging is at Grand/Wabash. Updates will be provided when available." They later added another note on their Twitter account, saying "This incident has concluded and no injuries have been reported. One individual has been taken to an area hospital for evaluation"
Fox 32 Chicago added: "Live footage shows police tape blocking off a portion of the road nearby beginning around 12 p.m. Sources told the Sun-Times Media Wire that SWAT officers were called after an armed woman walked into the downtown skyscraper during an apparent domestic-related incident, according to a report."