Another video shows how California is out of control
1 year ago
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Where is Maxine Waters and Nancy Pelosi when you need them? Where is Greasy Gavin and his hair gel? Do any of these politicians actually have any idea how bad their state is? Oh, wait, get this - California lawmakers want to ban K9 dogs now because they imply the dogs are rooted in racism. How about this - no, the dogs are just going after criminals like they're supposed to and the dogs don't care what color you are. If the dogs are told to chase, they'll chase. It's not racism. How about instead of crying racism, you actually let the cops do their jobs. If someone doesn't want to get bitten by a K9 dog, then don't break the law. Ever hear of that? It's common sense and pretty simple, but I know Democrats are lawless and don't care about crime.