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If this is a model, then so am I


We all know the fashion industry is weird and that many models look funny, but this took beauty standards back to the caveman era. I don’t know if she’s just trolling people or if she really walks around with prehistoric caterpillars above her eyes. I haven’t ever seen it in myself, but I am pretty sure my taint looks just like this.

Now I’m not saying this because I look like GQ model myself. I surely don’t. I’m just an average dude sitting behind a keyboard talking trash about a chick with a unibrow that looks like a monster worm, but that’s my job. I do this for a living. She does that for a living. And I don’t care how much they promote this chick, that’s gonna make me throw up every time. I think my pecker just crawled inside my body. Ladies, this is like a dude with a hairy back rubbing it on your face and acting like it’s sexy. Nope

You can thank Royce Lopez for giving us all nightmares.

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