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Russian Billionaire wired $3.5 million to Hunter Biden: Senate Report

Hunter Biden is back in the spotlight as a recent Senate report says that he received a $3.5 million wire transfer from a Russian billionaire. This comes at a time where the campaign race between his father, Democrat candidate Joe Biden, is gearing up for his first debate with President Donald Trump ahead of November’s election.

The billionaire is named Elena Baturina and she’s reportedly one of, if not the, richest woman in Russia. She is also the widow of late Yury Luzhkov, who is possibly best known for being a previous mayor of Moscow.

This information was revealed in a recent 87-page Senate report as the Republicans researched Hunter Biden’s involvement and job/work in the Ukraine, per a report in NY Post.

It appears that the payment may have been made back in 2014, and as stated by the NY Post, “Baturina became Russia’s only female billionaire when her plastics company, Inteko, received a series of Moscow municipal contracts while her husband was mayor” – as a way to display how or where she gained her wealth.

It was reported that Hunter Biden had some sort of “financial relationship” with Baturina, however further details on said alleged relationship were not revealed in depth.

NY Post’s report shows that Baturina initiated 11 wire transfers in 2015, sending money to BAK USA’s bank account. This is a company who filed for bankruptcy in 2019. They focused on tech and obviously didn’t last very long, but had received money from Baturina beforehand.

This is where the Senate report starts getting interesting, as it starts to dive further into the involvement with other notable names in American politics.

It’s stated that at least nine out of the 11 transfers were delivered to an investment firm that was founded by Chris Heinz and Hunter Biden. Heinz is John Kerry’s stepson. The investment firm was called Rosemont Seneca Partners – and it appears that money went there, before going to BAK USA, with the 11 bank transactions being referenced as part of a loan agreement.

There’s more.

People in former President Barack Obama’s administration started to state that there would, or could be, the “appearance” of a conflict of interest with Hunter Biden and Burisma. Hunter Biden was on the board of Burisma while Joe Biden was vice president. Hunter was allegedly getting paid $83k per month for “consulting services,” at times, as noted by Reuters.  That specific report by Reuters stated “the records show 18 months in which two payments of $83,333 per month were paid to Rosemont Seneca Bohai for “consulting services.” The two sources said that one of those monthly payments was intended for Biden and one for Archer. Reuters was not able to independently verify the authenticity of the documents or how much money Hunter Biden received.”

While this was happening, it’s suggested that Obama’s White House was familiar with what was going on, but did not seem phased by it nor attempt to have Hunter Biden do something else in hopes to avoid the appearance of a conflict of interest.

Hunter Biden is also being accused of having “consistent financial relationships” with Mykola Zlochevsky – the founder of Burisma.

Hunter Biden’s business associate, Devon Archer, had his firms making millions from Burisma – all while Joe Biden was vice president.

Meanwhile, just today a reporter asked Joe Biden if his son Hunter’s work with Burisma ever came off as a conflict of interest. Biden responded loudly and said no, that it did not seem to be a conflict of interest at all. Biden then tried to change the topic and push the conversation back to being about President Donald Trump.

Joe Biden gets Loud when asked about son’s job in Ukraine, ‘it’s not a conflict of interest’ at Trending Views

Photo: Pinskibob / CC BY-SA

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