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Pro-Hamas grads walked out on Jerry Seinfeld


Imagine you’re graduating college and JERRY SEINFELD shows up as your speaker. How awesome would that be? Well, it was pretty awesome for MOST of the college grads at the Duke ceremony, but a handful of pro-Hamas grads walked out. Yeah, they walked out of their own graduation because a Jewish comedian was the commencement speaker. I think the joke is on them, they probably missed a cool speech from a famous actor who’s sick of the left-wing woke PC crap.

The good students cheered for Jerry Seinfeld during the Duke graduation ceremony. It’s freaking Seinfeld folks, this guy is cool. It’s silly to walk out on that. Even if you don’t think he’s funny, that’s fine, but stay for the speech and respect your college and fellow grads. Don’t be selfish and walkout or disrupt your graduation just because YOU don’t like the speaker.

Graduations are about everyone there, not just a small group of protesters. Now you’ve ruined your own graduation and disrupted it for others – all because you don’t like him? You worked for years to get your degree, so the least you could do is stick it out for an hour and keep the ceremony good for everyone. Do better.

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