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I bet they won’t try that again


Guys, if you can’t last more than six seconds, then you’re not gonna keep her happy! Here’s a guy and gal who will instantly regret this six seconds of their life every time they watch this video. They’re trying to pull off some ballroom dance kinda thing, but it’s an epic fail that turns into a viral video. She runs towards him all happy and he catches her, lifts her up, and drops her behind him because he skipped arms and back day. I guess he skipped leg day too since he didn’t put any leg into this whatsoever. Bro, just go to the gym for once, she’ll thank you later.

So anyway, she falls hard on the grass and her head looks like it was halfway to her ass crack when she hits the Earth and gets bent like a pretzel. Hopefully she’s OK. Hit the gym, fellas. Your lady wants to be lifted up sometimes, so you better be able to pick her up when the time calls wink wink. 😉

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