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Cornell prof removed from Ann Coulter event


I forgot Ann Coulter was still a thing, but here she is speaking at a university and triggering an assistant professor so bad that the teacher ended up arrested according to the Cornell Sun’s article that took three people to write.

Coulter was talking about immigration and expressing her distaste with every “sad sack” coming to America when we should be focusing on bringing the brightest and best migrants to America so they can help build the nation instead of tearing it down and costing the country so much money to baby them. That’s when an assistant professor, who looks like she works the night shift at IHOP and gets paid under the table, kept disrupting the show, prompting Coulter to call for the police to escort the disruptive woman out of the area. The Cornell Sun reported:

Ann Coulter ’84, a controversial conservative media personality, made her return to campus on Tuesday with a talk entitled titled “Immigration: The Conspiracy To End America.” Audiences largely did not disrupt Coulter. However, Prof. Monica Cornejo was arrested during the question and answer section due to disorderly behavior.

If she got arrested and charged with a crime, then does that put Cornejo on the chopping block for deportation? If so, that would be pretty cool! If you can’t act right in our country, then go back to your own. Even if you hate Ann Coulter with all your heart, it’s still her show and you’re not allowed to be rude during it. Act civilized in public. Here’s a brilliant idea. If you hate Ann Coulter so much, then don’t go see her speech. Let someone else have the ticket or seat. No one cares about your anti-Ann Coulter crybaby disruptions. Cornell Sun further reported:

Sporting a shirt that read “Keep Migrants, Deport The Racists,” Prof. Monica Cornejo, communication, an undocumented immigrant, criticized the event during the questions portion.

“I’m an assistant professor of communication here, and one of those illegals that you mentioned,” Cornejo said. “I really appreciate you coming in and talking about these issues, that way I get to know how many racist people belong to this University.”

Coulter then interjected, cutting her off for not posing a question. When Cornejo responded by saying that she did have a question, Coulter retorted: “You got your chance. We’re moving on to the next question.”

Cornejo continued to shout remarks throughout the questions portion, such as “Racist,” and put up middle fingers in response to many of Coulter’s comments.

Eventually, Coulter called for Cornejo’s removal, and she was arrested by members of the CUPD on the charge of disorderly conduct. Upon her removal, Coulter called her “a child.”

Guess what, Cornejo. No one cares what you have to say. Cornell made a mistake allowing you to be an assistant professor and hopefully Cornell realizes this and kicks you out. Grow up and stop embarrassing yourself with attention seeking behaviors. America is sick of people acting entitled. Time to put a foot down on this nonsense. Either shut up or GTFO. You ain’t the main character and this ain’t your event.

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