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Woman busted on school bus. All parents should see this


A woman was busted on camera doing horrible things to a nonverbal child. The young boy was strapped into a harness so he could ride the school bus and the woman, Kiarra Jones, a bus aid for the Littleton Public Schools, was seen assaulting the 10-year-old boy repeatedly. There are suspicions that this abuse could have gone on for months, but it was finally caught on video and now she faces the wrath of the law.

Kiarra Jones was arrested on April 4th and posted bond after getting caught elbowing and punching/striking the 10-year-old nonverbal boy on the school bus, according to 9News who was able to get an affidavit on the crime. The 9News crime report said the following about Kiarra Jones and her arrest:

In the affidavit, an Englewood Police detective wrote he reviewed more bus camera footage that captures more abuse on two other days, including Feb. 13 and March 1. In a release on Tuesday, Englewood Police said “more than one” student was assaulted.

The video was obtained as part of an investigation after a parent raised concerns about bruising on their child. Attorney Qusair Mohamedbhai, who represents at least two families whose children ride the bus, released the March 18 video to the media on Tuesday.

“The abuses of special needs children continues to occur because school districts treat this community as a burden rather than a blessing,” Mohamedbhai said. “School districts routinely fail to train and support those who work with special needs student populations.”

All parents should be aware of who’s riding the bus with their children and videos should be on every single school bus in America.

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