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“He knew was a lie”: Barr says Joe knew about THAT laptop


Bill Barr is going to take a lot of heat after this interview video shows him talking about Joe Biden’s comments about Hunter Biden’s laptop. Listen closely to the video so you can hear Bill Barr and think about how this could have, or did, impact Donald Trump. There’s a lot to think about here, so I’m not going to make any suggestions on it – I’ll leave that part for you.

Don’t forget, Bill Barr was stepping on Conservatives back in 2022 after Donald Trump was raided by the FBI. Bill Barr, an ex-attorney general, blasted some conservatives for “pandering to outrage” following the dramatic FBI raid on ex-president Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home. Barr further explained why he made that statement. Barr praised how the Department of Justice (DOJ) handled the raid in an episode of the “Honestly” podcast hosted by journalist Bari Weiss. However, he acknowledged that the politically motivated examination into Russian interference in the 2016 campaign for President Trump harmed people’s faith in federal law enforcement and “created the condition” for people to assume “the worst.”

“So what do you say to conservatives who say, ‘Why should we possibly trust these institutions to prosecute people — let’s say who protested on Jan. 6 — or agents of the state going after a president they so obviously despise? Why should we trust them anymore?’” Weiss asked. “You still give them the benefit of the doubt, but many other people in your party don’t.”

“Well, the Russiagate thing, I think, to the extent the FBI was misused was decisions made toward by high-level officials in the FBI, I don’t think that [FBI Director] Chris Wray is that type of leader nor do I think the people around Chris Wray are those types of leaders. I think there are problems in the FBI, but it’s not that. It’s not Chris Wray. Wray is going to wake up and say, you know, ‘How do I throw the FBI’s weight around to interfere in the political process.’ Just the opposite. I think he’s very cautious about that.”

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