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AOC proves why Democrats should never be taken seriously


Gotta love watching Democrat Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s blood pressure visibly erupt as she’s nearly screaming at Tony Bobulinkski when she asks him about Joe Biden and any possible crimes he committed. Bobulinski was asked if Biden committed a crime, and Bobulinksi gave a joking answer like “how much time do I have.” AOC’s voice went UP, like she was putting on her best act to try out for a Broadway play in hopes of getting out of bartending one day. I guess now that she’s a Democrat Rep., she can yell at people even when they don’t spill drinks. AOC basically proves why Democrats should never be taken seriously.

This conversation between Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Tony Bobulinkski was just hilarious as she wanted to know the specific crime Biden allegedly committed. However, she just kept screaming over him and wouldn’t let him finish a sentence. Imagine a former bartender screaming at you in a room where you’re talking about a president and crime. She doesn’t belong in this room. That’s one thing we can all agree on.

AOC: “Is it your testimony today that you personally witnessed President Joe Biden commit a crime?”

Tony: “Yes,” Bobulinski replied.

AOC: “What crime have you witnessed?” (she kept screaming nonsense at this point)

Tony: “How much time do I have to go through it?… Corruption statues, RICO and conspiracy, FARA,”

Now here’s the funny part about AOC screaming at Tony Bobulinski. She said RICO is not a crime. However…. HOWEVER… as stated by Cornell Law School, somewhere she likely would never get in, says otherwise.

The Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO) is a federal law (codified at 18 U.S.C. §§ 1961-68) targeting organized criminal activity and racketeering. RICO enhances existing criminal punishments and creates new causes of action for acts done as a part of an organized criminal enterprise.

We have a clueless birdbrain talking about a president who may have committed crimes in the past, yet she doesn’t even know what’s a crime and what’s not. This is how you know the Democratic Party is not a group of serious people.

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