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Joe Biden repeats story that already got fact checked


Fact checkers are gonna love this video. President Joe Biden has once again repeated the same story that fact checkers already fact checked. Joe said once again: “I was with Xi Jinping in the Tibetan plateau. I traveled 17,000 miles with him…” Oh goodness…

Joe Biden was fact checked on this over three years ago. Even the Washington Post gave Joe Biden ‘three Pinocchio’s for how bad the story was. And what’s even worse about it is that Joe Biden said it multiple times before this one! WaPo reported:

“My point was that when I came back from meeting with him and traveling 17,000 miles with him when I was vice president and he was the vice president — that’s how I got to know him so well.” — President Biden, remarks during a town hall on CNN, Feb. 16, 2021

“I had 24-25 hours of private meetings with him when I was vice president, traveled 17,000 miles with him. I know him pretty well.” — Biden, in an interview with Norah O’Donnell of CBS News, Feb. 7

“I’ve spent more time with Xi Jinping, at least before we got out, than any world leader has. I traveled 17,000 miles with him, the president of China. … we traveled around the world together, in the United States and China.” — Biden, at a campaign rally in Sparks High School, Nevada, Jan. 10, 2020

Then WaPo’s reporter did the math and took a deeper dive into this, even talking to a White House official back then. Here’s what else the reporter discovered about Biden’s bizarre story and lie:

A White House official conceded that Biden’s line of “traveling with” Xi is not accurate. “This was a reference to the total travel back and forth — both internally in the U.S. and China, and as well as internationally — for meetings they held together,” he said. “Some travel was in parallel, some was separately to joint destinations.”

Try as we could, however, we still could not get the travel to add up to 17,000 miles.

This is weird, right?

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