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DeSantis demands deportation of Ilhan Omar; she refutes back after video scorches the Internet

Florida’s Republican Governor has called for Squad Member Ilhan Omar to be expelled from Congress, lose her citizenship, and deported from America. This all happened after the squatting Democrat made anti-American comments revolving around being Somalian “first” an Muslim “second” without mentioning much about supporting America, the country she is actually representing as a member of our government.

Democrat Ilhan Omar was giving a speech to some Somali-Americans in Minneapolis when she allegedly said the following remarks that sparked massive outrage in America. She said: “We, as Somalians, love each other… There are areas of friction that led us to kill each other, but in reality, we are an organized society – brothers and sisters, people of the same blood, people who know they are Somalians first and Muslim second who protect one another and come to each other’s aid and to the aid of other Muslims too.”

This lead Ron DeSantis to quote-tweet the video and say: “Expel from Congress, denaturalize and deport!”  Keep in mind the translation comes from someone else, but her words can be heard in the video for everyone to put into their own context and see how they feel about what she’s saying. We can only see the subtitles that may have been provided.

On the contrary, Ilhan Omar tried refuting the accuracy of the translation. She said on X: “It’s not only slanted but completely off, but I wouldn’t expect more from these propagandists… I pray for them and for their sanity.” Now here we are trying to figure out who’s telling the truth. But regardless of what context her comments were made under, there’s still a growing number of reasons for Americans to want Ilhan Omar out of government, and perhaps even out of America. Watch the video below and see what you think:

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