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Capitol Police say no charges for Dem staffer busted in Senate Office building

The Capitol Police have said there will be no charges for the Democrat staffer busted doing the absolutely unthinkable inside of a Senate Office Building. The videos leaked on social media and people were in shock after what they saw, but there was hope that some sort of criminal charges would take place. That was not the case, according to news reports.

The leaked videos showed a male Democrat staffer having intercourse with another male and the video caused people to gag and rush right to the comment sections of their favorite websites or social media. It was very explicit and not something we can show here. It took place inside the Senate Judiciary Room and people wanted resignations and criminal charges, mostly because it made the country look very bad that two people working in politics would engage in something like that at a place of work, let alone record it. Daily Wire reported on this news story, providing more details on what the Capitol Police said and did (or didn’t do):

The USCP, aka the Capitol Cops or the Keystone Cops, I can’t tell anymore, said they will NOT charge anyone with a crime, according to Jake Sherman – a reporter. Daily Wire’s news report continued:

The statement noted that the staffer, who has since resigned, “exercised his Fifth Amendment right to remain silent and refused to talk” to authorities. Additionally, USCP did not close the door on revamping the investigation if new evidence emerges.

“For now, we are closing the investigation into the facts and circumstances surrounding a sex video that was recorded inside the Hart Senate Office Building on the morning of Wednesday, December 13,” the statement said.

“After consulting with federal and local prosecutors, as well as doing a comprehensive investigation and review of possible charges, it was determined that — despite a likely violation of Congressional policy — there is currently no evidence that a crime was committed,” USCP continued.

This is one of those news stories that treads the thin line of embarrassment and criminal for the sake of getting caught, but not likely a technical crime in any sort. Although many people wanted criminal charges, the law may suggest otherwise. Many people on social media are throwing the hypothetical question of “if that was a Republican, then what would happen?” Now I’m no lawyer, but I don’t think there would be any charges for a Republican either. However, they might have looked a little bit deeper to see if there was. Do Democrats get preferential treatment from the Capitol Police? It’s unclear, but many Americans may feel that way.

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