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187 names linked to Jeffrey Epstein to be released

Judge Loretta Preska is a big part of the 187 names connected to Jeffrey Epstein who will have their names revealed. Some of the names being unsealed may already be known to the public, but the list and any other details may show how these people were connected to the late disgraced Jeffrey Epstein who ran a filthy s-x trafficking network. This may shed more light on his girl Ghislaine Maxwell too. She’s sitting in jail now, enjoying a 20-year-sentence for her part in Epstein’s crime spree.

Judge Preska ordered the list of names to be unsealed starting this year and potentially starting this week, but it’s unclear how long it will take. Nevertheless, people are anxiously waiting to see who else appears on the Jeffrey Epstein list and in what context they’re connected to him. The names are currently listed as “J Doe” but soon they’ll just be another name in the books. There’s 187 “J Does” as of now.

The names connected to Jeffrey Epstein are being released in connection to a defamation lawsuit by Virginia Giuffre who once accused Maxwell of crimes. The names used to be secret, but not for long, and apparently there hasn’t been too much objection – but it’s really unclear who’s objecting behind the scenes.

According to the report on BBC, there will be names that remain sealed and they are likely names of child-victims that were listed. Either way, the whole thing is messed up and the public will be waiting to see who ends up on the rumored Jeffrey Epstein Client List.

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