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My husband abandoned me for Twitter: Kellyanne Conway calls out George, thought he might stab her in the back

Kellyanne Conway is now accusing her husband George of ditching her for Twitter, even suggesting that he might one day stab her in the back. This dates back several years and she’s just now telling the world her story.
She was in the East Room of the White House on June 5, 2017, when Sean Spicer bounded toward her.
Spicer asked: “Did you know about this?” He held his phone out while Twitter was open, and on the screen was a tweet written by her husband, George.
Conway said: “That’s not possible,” she recalls in her memoir “Here’s The Deal” (Threshold Editions), out today. “George doesn’t Tweet.”
A few seconds later, Conway realized that not only did George tweet indeed, but he had also taken a swipe at her boss, President Donald Trump, for tweets that would complicate matters for the Office of the Solicitor General, which was trying to defend his travel ban on certain Muslim countries.
George wrote: “These tweets may make some ppl feel better, but they certainly won’t help OSG get 5 votes in SCOTUS, which is what actually matters. Sad.”
Conway tried calling and texting George, but questions started swirling in her head: Why had George done that? Why hadn’t he mentioned it to her beforehand? “And,” she writes, “was this tweet really posted by my Trump-loving, MAGA-cap-wearing husband, George Conway?”
They got married in 1998 and had four children, and she believed, had always had a strong relationship. She writes that her husband, an attorney and conservative political activist, was usually quiet and reserved.
But “for the first time since George and I had gotten serious, I was looking at the possibility that the man who had always had my back might one day stab me in it,” she writes, as reported.
In 2017, George’s posts were mostly innocuous after his first tweet damning Trump. But in the spring of 2018, George and Kellyanne were invited to dinner at the home of Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner, with whom she had a tense relationship.
“Despite the regular practice of Jared ignoring me or icing me out,” Conway thought the dinner invitation “could only be a positive one.”
They discussed “pressing legislative action, the midterms, and the president’s far-off election” in 2020, while George remained quiet and shrugged when the occasional opinion was asked of him over the course of the meal, she writes.
A week after the dinner, George unleashed on Twitter… And never stopped.
On July 3, 2019, they were at their beach home on the Jersey Shore when she turned to her husband and told him calmly what was on her mind.
“You’re the only person in this world with whom I took vows on an altar at the Basilica Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul in Philadelphia in front of God and our loved ones and five priests. You’re the only person in this world for whom I gave birth to four children,” she recalls saying, adding: “You can see me mostly as your wife of 18 years and the mother of your four children, or you can see me mostly as senior counselor to President Donald Trump. When you wake up every morning, you have to decide how it is you see me.”
George yelled without making eye contact: “You have ruined yourself and you have embarrassed this family.”
Kellyanne shot back: “I’ve embarrassed this family? You abandoned me for Twitter and she’s not even hot.”

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