Protesters shut down highway in Philly, get mocked all over the web

If there's one way to make people dislike you and NOT accomplish anything at all, that would be blocking traffic on a highway. These protesters blocked 76 in Philly right before rush hour. If you're not from Philly, then we should tell you that 76 is bad no matter what time of the day it is. Now that the road was completely blocked by the protesters, it's was clearly worse at that time. But how did Americans respond? They mocked the protesters all over social media. Protesting normal every day Americans does nothing but make us hate protesters.Go protest the people you're mad at, not us. We have nothing to do with your cause and protesting to normal every day Americans accomplishes nothing. If anything, we it makes us hate protesters and not care about what your causes is. Get the heck out of the road, people have places to be.

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