Canada begins using DIY Pap Smears

I guess that socialized health care really sucks after all! Daily Wire reported on this tidbit about the shortage of doctors leading to DIY pap smears. Like, what could possibly go wrong? You mean to tell me there ain't enough guy doctors who want to take a look in there? HA!! <blockquote>Canada is asking people to do their own pap smears at home as the country copes with a nationwide doctor shortage.This week, British Columbia launched Canada’s first “cervix self-screening program” and encouraged citizens to order pap smear test kits to test for cervical cancer at home. <div class="dw-mm-player-container"> </div> <div id="AV608bfd1f328b2f32b531a418"> </div> Starting January 29, women or “individuals with a cervix” ages 25 to 69 can order a “quick, easy and highly accurate test kit” to test for cervical cancer at home, the province’s health ministry said in a news release on Tuesday.</blockquote>

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