Britney Spears shoots down rumors, says she's "NEVER" going back

Singer Britney Spears has shot down any and all rumors that she's coming out with a new album. She even said, specifically, she's never going back to the music industry. And why would she? She made tons of money already. There's no point for her to record anything new. Just enjoy your shows, your weird Instagram knife videos, and your money. AP reported on Britney Spears, quoting her and giving more info:<br /> <blockquote> <p> Britney Spears is shooting down rumors of a new album, vowing to “never return to the music industry.”</p> <p>At the same time, Spears noted in Wednesday’s Instagram post, she’s still writing music — just for other people.</p> <p>“When I write, I write for fun or I write for other people !!!” she wrote. “I’ve written over 20 songs for other people the past two years !!! I’m a ghostwriter and I honestly enjoy it that way !!!”</p> </blockquote>

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