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Woman running with camera doesn’t want men honking


Social media has turned into a hell hole of the worst people. This video shows a woman running in public, recording video, and she doesn’t want people to honk at her. If I saw a person recording a video, I’d honk too. It’s funny to get the honking sound in the video. It also sounds like she doesn’t want guys honking at her when she’s running, but honestly, I think she’s just making this BS video for ‘likes’ on social media.

Guys, when was the last time you honked at a lady running in public? Like literally never, right? I think she’s a fraud. She’s seeking attention and acting like she doesn’t want attention. Makes total sense, right? How’s those social media likes going for you, runner lady? Newsflash girl, you ain’t special. No one is honking at this one, fellas!

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