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Fox News reporter leaves Joe Biden stumped over classified docs

Fox News reporter leaves Joe Biden stumped over classified docs

President Joe Biden faces more scrutiny as another batch of classified documents were discovered in a Delaware home owned by Biden. The White House Counsel’s Office was on the hunt for more classified documents and searched both of Biden’s homes in Delaware – one in Rehoboth at the beach, and another in Wilmington. This all comes after the first sets of classified documents were found in Biden’s old office that he used during his time as vice president to former President Barack Obama.

Escalating the situation to a further degree was Attorney General Merrick Garland who named Robert Hur as Special Counsel for investigating the classified documents linked to Joe Biden.

Fox News reported that the White House lawyers contacted the DOJ after they located the other classified documents, but it remains unclear if anyone, including Joe Biden, had read any of the documents once his tenure as vice president came to a close.

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