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Here’s a Dystopian Hellscape Shopping at Walmart


Imagine you go to Walmart and there’s products locked behind a clear plastic case. You need to get a store employee to open the case so you can get your product. Then, after you pick out the product, the product gets locked into a carry-along plastic case that only the cashier can get rid of.

This is the dystopian hellscape that some Walmart shoppers are dealing with. And, we all know who to thank for this. The shoplifters who’ve ripped off stores for years are the people to point fingers at. You had a nice store, you ruined it. But you didn’t ruin it for just yourself, you ruined it for everyone else too. I dunno man, how about getting a job and trying to pay for things? I know working sucks. I know things are expensive. But when a store makes you shop like this, it’s miserable for everyone. When the store closes down and you end up with nothing, then what?

And for those who don’t know, dystopia means “an imagined world or society in which people lead wretched, dehumanized, fearful lives” – in other words, the opposite of a utopia. We can do much better folks, I know it and you know it. Stop stealing. Work hard. Vote Republican to fix America.

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