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“Third Rate Banana Republic”: Vivek slams persecution of Trump


Vivek Ramaswamy calls out the politicized persecution and everything that’s going wrong with the Donald Trump hush money trial where Democrats have targeted him for what appears to be a bookkeeping error. For more context, it’s important to know that Donald Trump wasn’t the person keeping the bookkeeping records.

Trump has been accused of paying $130,000 to Stormy Daniels as hush money in hopes to keep an alleged affair a secret before the 2016 election. The funny thing is this – no one actually knows if they had an affair or not. Stormy Daniels has no credibility. Trump said it didn’t happen.

Vivek had no problem calling out the sham trial being held in the third rate banana republic, dingy dirty courtroom. Vivek suggests they’re using the court room as a weapon against Trump and they’re using politics in the courtroom. Vivek says politics should be out of the courtroom, which means it should be done in fairness and without political people involved. Vivek mentions people linked to the judge, saying they’re able to fund raise off this trial.

Trump also wants the gag order removed. He believes it’s not fair that other people can say whatever they want, but he’s being limited. Trump has been fined and threatened with jail for his constant violations of the gag order. Trump said he would be proud to go to jail for the constitution.

One thing I don’t like is the fact that the trial is not televised. Any trial like this should be available to the public so we can see, for ourselves, what’s really going on.

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