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Twitter exec, who mocked Asperger’s, runs away to hide in comedy club, dodge questions

James O’Keefe from the awesome Project Veritas’ gets a Twitter executive named Alex Martinez to dodge questions and try hiding in a comedy club. Martinez allegedly mocked Elon Musk, suggesting he has a mental handicap or Asperger’s Syndrome

And here is the longer 5 minute+ version from Project Veritas on YouTube:

Here’s part of the conversation they had, transcribed by TweakTown:
O’Keefe: “Hi Alex… I’m James O’Keefe at Project Veritas”
Martinez: “Oh my God”.
O’Keefe: “You are on hidden camera”.
Martinez: “Okay”.
O’Keefe: “talking about Elon Musk”.
(Martinez laughs)
O’Keefe: “Why is it funny?”
Martinez: “Well, no. I’m just like, you’re literally just trying to like, capture me in the middle of my own dinner?”
O’Keefe: “Yes, quote you’re special needs, you’re literally special needs, I don’t even take what you’re saying seriously because you’re special needs”.
Martinez: “That’s not true. That’s not true”.
(video cuts back to where Martinez does indeed say those words)
(video then cuts to Martinez + O’Keefe outside the restaurant, where Martinez is speaking to staff)
Martinez: “I’m getting harassed by people that are putting me on camera”.
O’Keefe: “We’re journalists, and I know that you don’t believe in the First Amendment”.
Martinez: “Excuse me, I’m gonna just finish my dinner, so…”.
O’Keefe: “your dinner is over there…”.
Kolenic: “I love Elon Musk”.
(O’Keefe spots Martinez sitting inside avoiding the Project Veritas crew, and walks back inside)
Martinez: “Yeah, thank you. I mean seriously, are you guys coming inside to try and harass me?”
(Martinez then speed walks out of Bettola, and starts sprinting away from the Project Veritas crew)
O’Keefe: “Why are you running…”.
O’Keefe: “you’re literally disclosing an email… it says… here’s the email, I can read it…”
Martinez: “There’s no email”
O’Keefe: (reads from email) “Groups like Veritas are active right now”.
Martinez (still running): “Please leave me alone”
O’Keefe: “Sir, what is is Elon Musk gonna do when he sees this”
Martinez: “I don’t know”.
At this point, Martinez darts into the comedy club, O’Keefe gets asked to be on stage, and hilariously goes on stage with a video of Martinez mocking Elon Musk’s syndrome. Then Martinez leaves the club and O’Keefe follows him.
Martinez: “I don’t — literally I refuse to talk to you”.
O’Keefe: “Well, you have already talked to us, Sir”.
O’Keefe: “You are mocking Elon Musk’s Asperger’s condition”.
O’Keefe: “What is Twitter ideology?”
Martinez finds his way to an NYC cab and leaves the area.

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