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Trump CFO going to RIKERS ISLAND


Former President Donald Trump’s retired CFO is heading to Rikers Island jail. His name is Allen Weisselberg, 76, and he was sentenced to five months in the slammer for lying during a testimony under oath. This was during a civil fraud lawsuit targeting Donald Trump. What was the lie? ABC News reported on the inaccuracies provided by Weisselberg in a news article that said:

During his trial testimony, Weisselberg struggled to explain why the apartment, which is less than 11,000 square feet, was listed on Trump’s statements of financial condition as 30,000 square feet.

“It was almost de minimis relative to his net worth, so I didn’t really focus on it,” Weisselberg said during trial. “I never even thought about the apartment.”

But Forbes published an article following Weisselberg’s appearance that accused him of lying under oath and suggested Weisselberg did think about the apartment because he played a key role in trying to convince the magazine the apartment was as big as Trump’s financial statements represented.

Look folks, I am not a lawyer by any means, but I think when you’re under oath that you need to be as accurate as possible. I also think something like this tiny inaccurate detail had very little, or NO impact on the trial that included Donald Trump. Should we be as accurate as possible in a court of law? Absolutely yes. Should a discrepancy like this land Weisselberg in prison? I don’t think so for that.

However, the AP news publication pointed out another important detail that sounds like Weisselberg took a trade or a deal on this one. After reading this little bit of information from AP, you’ll have to speculate on what else could have happened that we don’t know about. For example, why did Weisselberg take this deal? What else is there that he might be worried about? AP reported:

When Weisselberg pleaded guilty last month to two counts of perjury, the office of Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg made a legally binding promise not to prosecute him for any other crimes he might have committed in connection with his longtime employment by the Trump Organization.

Did Allen Weisselberg do something else that he doesn’t want the public to know about? Is it something that Trump is aware of or does Trump have no idea? Keep in mind that Weisselberg went to jail before. AP’s report said:

It is Weisselberg’s second time behind bars. The former Trump Organization chief financial officer served 100 days last year for dodging taxes on $1.7 million in company perks, including a rent-free Manhattan apartment and luxury cars.

Listen folks, if you’re getting a luxury car and free apartment in Manhattan, then you better be on your best behavior. Don’t screw up if you’re living the easy life. Now Weisselberg has a free room at the Rikers Island Jail and this ain’t gonna be a vacation. Trump is probably better off with this guy away from him. Good luck and don’t drop the soap.

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