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Trump calls out media, reveals danger caused by Biden


Former President Donald Trump has called out the media for spreading a hoax about his “bloodbath” comment. Trump was talking about the automotive industry when he used the word “bloodbath” and mainstream leftist media purposely spread his comment out of context, making them responsible for spreading a lie and a complete hoax to millions of people.

Trump then used his comments to spread a message about President Joe Biden and the bloodbath happening to the southern border as illegal immigrants flood the country under Biden’s failed policies. Biden and his administration are responsible for the disaster at the southern border in which an extreme amount of illegal immigrants have crossed into the country. Many of them are being shipped to Democrat cities who are now complaining that they can’t handle the amount of migrants. The influx of migrants is causing cities to waste money on people who aren’t Americans, and now Americans are complaining that funding meant for them and their city is now being wasted on people who should not be in the country.

America needs to completely shut the border and stop everyone from entering illegally, forcing folks to come in the legal way. One thing America should do is close the border for about a year, ceasing any current immigration paths, and fix the crisis going on first. Then once it’s under control, then and only then, should America resume the legal migration process.

Biden would have been better off doing absolutely nothing at all, but he completely screwed over the entire country when he reversed policies Trump put in place. There hasn’t been a president this bad in ages, quite possibly the worst we’ve seen in our lifetime.

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