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Star member of the ‘Smothers Brothers’ passed away

This one will hit home for many people over 40. A member of the famous comedy duo Smothers Brothers has passed away and his remaining brother has made a heartfelt message about it. If you’re over 40, then you likely saw this funny comedy duo singing when your parents watched them, or maybe you saw them yourself. Either way, you’ve probably heard about them at some point.

The Smothers Brothers date back to the 50s/60s and they were recording comedy in black and white before the big color boom and all technology advances. These were the kinda guys you could watch on those old heavy televisions that had knobs and metal antennas sticking out of the top. And thanks to today’s technology, we can still watch the Smothers Brothers on our current devices. Thankfully, someone took those old video clips and put them online.

Tom Smothers even got canceled before it was cool! He used to mock the Vietnam war with satire and not everyone in the networks thought that was cool. Turns out, it was brilliant! They even mocked political people like President Lyndon B Johnson, because you know what – every president gets mocked at some point. But here’s the crusher – Tommy Smothers boldly said, “Okay, all you guys in Vietnam, come on home.”

TMZ reported on the passing of Tom Smothers and what his brother, Dick Smothers, said about it afterwards. And let me tell ya, it’s really heartwarming to read what Dick Smothers had to say. Here’s what TMZ reported on it:

Dick went on to say “Tom was not only the loving older brother that everyone would want in their life, he was a one-of-a-kind creative partner.”

Continuing, Dick said, “I am forever grateful to have spent a lifetime together with him, on and off stage, for over 60 years.”

Dick ended with, “Our relationship was like a good marriage – the longer we were together, the more we loved and respected one another. We were truly blessed.”

Tom Smothers was 86 when he passed away due to cancer. Here’s a video clip of the Smothers Brothers performing. Watch, share, and enjoy!

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