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Rachel Maddow discussed Waukesha parade attack, did not mention ex-con suspect driver’s criminal history

Rachel Maddow dedicated an entire segment to the horrific Waukesha Christmas parade, but did not mention suspect Darrell E. Brooks Jr.’s name or ex-con background.

At least five counts of first-degree intentional homicide and other additional charges will be filed against Brooks to the district attorney’s office, Waukesha Police Chief Dan Thompson said.

During her show, Rachel Maddow didn’t mention Brooks by name as she only referred to him as “the suspect” and she failed to inform viewers about his lengthy criminal history dating back to 1999 that includes numerous violent felonies. MSNBC also chose not to display his mugshot during the segment.

“Today, of course, all eyes have been on Waukesha, Wisconsin, where [Sunday] afternoon a just unthinkable crime took life, after life, after life at a holiday parade … by now you know the basics of what happened. A red SUV inexplicably sped into the parade route and then directly into people marching into the parade and people watching it on the sidewalk,” Maddow said. “As of this hour, five people are dead and an unbelievable 48 people are injured including many, many kids.”

Maddow continued, but never mentioned the suspect or his criminal history.

Brooks was out on $1,000 bail at the time of the attack, and this was known on Monday, but Maddow never informed the viewers about that detail.

A background check was made from Wisconsin’s Department of Justice, showing over 50 pages of charges against Brooks. His most recent court appearance came on November 5 for charges including reckless endangerment, battery, domestic abuse, resisting arrest and bail jumping.

In July 2020, police charged Brooks with three other felonies – including reckless endangerment and being a felon in possession of a firearm.

He’s also listed as a Tier 2 registered s-x offender in Nevada.

In 1999 he received his first felony conviction for taking part in an aggravated battery. He was also convicted of obstructing an officer in 2005 and 2003. In 2002 he had another felony marijuana charge.

NY Post showed the suspect.

MSNBC listed Maddow highlights of November 22 to focus on Trump and related topics.

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