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“Let’s print some more money”: says random TikToker


Looks like the American education system is doing great for some, but not for others. Either we messed up when it comes to teaching basic business and economics, or some people just don’t pay attention in class. Either way, this chick from TikTok says “let’s print some more money” and I was like “omg great idea” until I realized that would probably make our dollar worth even less.

What happens if we print too much money?

If the government prints too much money, people who sell things for money raise the prices for their goods, services and labor. This lowers the purchasing power and value of the money being printed. In fact, if the government prints too much money, the money becomes worthless. We have seen many governments give in to this temptation, and the result is a hyperinflation. Hyperinflations were observed in the 20th century in Germany (twice), Hungary, Ecuador, Bolivia and Peru, with Zimbabwe as the most recent casualty. Such episodes of high inflation can greatly impair the functioning of the economy or collapse it altogether. Thus, having the power to print money brings with it great responsibility to respect that power. (source)

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