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Obama-appointed judge makes important ruling on illegal immigrants

Americans are already on edge as President Joe Biden’s border continues to be invaded, almost as if it was designed that way. Now Americans will have something else to worry about after an Obama-appointed District Judge just ruled that illegal immigrants can possess firearms under the Second Amendment. The judge, Sharon Johnson Coleman said it was against the Second Amendment to prohibit illegal immigrants from possessing firearms.

You really can’t make this stuff up. Not only is an illegal immigrant in the country ILLEGALLY, this Obama-appointed judge is now telling them to go ahead and get armed. Should she be held liable for aiding them in a crime if they commit one with a gun? WPDE reported more on the illegal immigrants having guns situation:

The ruling, issued on March 8 by Obama-appointed District Judge Sharon Johnson Coleman, pertains to the case of illegal migrant Heriberto Carbajal-Flores. Carbajal-Flores was charged under Title 18 of U.S. Criminal Code, a measure preventing illegal migrants from possessing firearms.

Carbajal-Flores had no criminal history of improper use of a gun and therefore, according to the court, did not present a public danger when exercising his Second Amendment right in Chicago in 2020.

A suspect in a Maryland shooting that killed a 2-year-old last month was in the country illegally and had prior detainments, according to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

While one person mentioned above did not have a criminal record involving guns, the fact that he was still an illegal immigrant should have been what the court focused on first. Perhaps this man could have been shown how to properly enter America.

Meanwhile, the suspect mentioned later in the political story had taken the life of a child. America has a problem and the Democrats really aren’t going to fix anything. Now what?


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