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Migrants are ditching dogs at the border, many left starving and injured

Dogs are a man’s best friend, but not if you make them travel thousands of miles and then ditch them at the border when they get to America. Such is the case with the migrants crossing into America from the border of Mexico and they’re ditching their dogs once they get here. According to news reports, the migrants are either bringing their own pets or picking up stray animals along the way, then when they get to the border and realize the animals are not allowed into the processing centers, they’re ditching the pups right there on the spot.

What happens next? Nothing. The dogs or other animals are left to fend for themselves. This is something that AOC would stand next to a fence and cry about, like she did when she showed everyone her acting skills before. She cried about kids at the border, now let’s see her reaction when the Democrat’s beloved migrants are ditching their own pets!

And let’s not forget, the conditions at the border seem kind of harsh right now. So imagine you’re a dog and you’re traveling with your migrant, and next thing you know – you’re abandoned. Gotta love it, right? NO! NOT AT ALL! NY Post reported more on this, saying the following in a news article about the abandoned animals at the border:

The Post spotted dozens of domestic breeds of dogs, now strays, wandering on both sides of the border at Eagle Pass, Texas, this month. Many were simply abandoned like the piles of clothes, backpacks, shoes and children’s toys discarded all along the banks of the Rio Grande. Some were injured. Many looked terrified and flinched even when just being passed a bowl of water. Most were starving and reduced to scrounging for food wherever possible. Authorities, including members of the National Guard, feed and care for the animals they encounter on the streets in the area.

It seems like people are helping the animals out of the kindness of their hearts, but this is not their job. They shouldn’t have to take care of other people’s animals, especially putting themselves at the risk of catching some rabies or being bitten by an animal who may be scared. This is just one of the many problems going on at the border that President Joe Biden’s administration seems to have no answer for. It really is a shame what’s going on down there, but thankfully Texas is taking a stand on their own – and Americans who know what’s good for the future of this country are supporting Texas in their standoff with the federal government.

Now go ahead and play the Sarah McLaughlin song…

Photo: Thevinu Gunawardena, CC BY-SA 4.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

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