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Grown man whines about Trump on MSNBC


This video shows a grown man in the wild whining about former President Donald Trump having his bond reduced to $175 million. This video took place on MSNBC and the man is just complaining about it like he’s a little boy who had his lollipop stolen by a bully. Remember folks, Trump’s bond was nearly $500 million, but they reduced it – and it’s STILL a ton of money. Do you know anyone who can pull $175 million out from under a mattress? I sure don’t. I’m pretty sure my entire extended family dating back to the 1700’s still couldn’t add up $175 million.

But nevertheless, the leftist media has been crying outrage tears in their anti-Trump propaganda all day. It’s like they think $175 million is small change. It’s not. It’s a huge amount of money that Donald Trump still needs to show within his ten day extension. Does Trump have this in the bank? Does he need to sell a few things? We don’t really know, but I do know this – I ain’t got money like that and neither does most of the grown men crying about it.

Put your big boy pants on and report the news for what happened, then let it go. All this crying in the media is pathetic propaganda done on purpose to make liberal viewers mad for no reason. It’s still $175 million, not $175. I really hope people start turning off the mainstream media, because they’re just pushing nonsense at this point. They should report the facts and keep their opinions out of it. If they can’t do that, then they’re not news. And stop wearing air pods. They make you look stupid.

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