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Kamala drops an F BOMB trying to be cool… fails miserably


Vice failure Kamala Harris dropped an F BOMB while she was doing an interview. I guess Kamala Harris wanted to sound like one of the cool kids. Then again, I say that word like 100 times a day, so for me she’s just trying to fit in and sound normal. Except, she’s the vice failure and she’s done a horrible job for four years, so there’s nothing Kamala Harris can do to fit in, be cool, or have anyone like her.

Kamala Harris said this: “Sometimes people will open the door for you and leave it open; sometimes they won’t. And then you need to kick that fucking door down.” Sorry, that’s called breaking an entering. I think that’s a crime.

Kamala Harris and Joe Biden are the faces of failure. She is what happens when you pick someone because they’re a Black woman instead of picking someone who’s actually qualified to be a vice president. And let’s think back to the 2020 debates where Kamala Harris and Joe Biden were going at it. I know you’re supposed to say things, but they were battling so bad that Jill Biden didn’t seem to want her as a vice president. However, I’m pretty sure Joe Biden was ‘told’ to pick her for the sake of trying to win over blacks and women – but you really can’t win anyone over if you’re not doing a good job.

Look at it this way. Democrats had four years to show America that they were the solution to all of our problems. Democrats had four years to convince America that they are the future. What did Democrats give us? Look below…

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