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“Joe Biden is presiding over the collapse of America”: Bill O’Reilly

President Joe Biden is facing more criticism than ever as people call him out for various failures. One major personality in politics is also blaming Joe Biden for the failures of the country, saying  Biden is presiding over the collapse of America as we know it. Biden faces criticism for the economy, issues with sending money overseas, and now the southern border in Texas.

Bill O’Reilly knows a thing or two about politics, as he’s been involved for a major portion of his career. He’s an American television personality, political commentator, and author. He is best known for his long-running television show, “The O’Reilly Factor,” which aired on the Fox News Channel from 1996 to 2017. During its run, “The O’Reilly Factor” was one of the highest-rated cable news programs in the United States.

Bill O’Reilly is known for his conservative political views and often expressed strong opinions on a wide range of issues. He has written several books, many of which have become bestsellers, including “Killing Lincoln,” “Killing Kennedy,” and “Killing Jesus,” which are part of his “Killing” series.

O’Reilly’s career at Fox News came to an end in 2017 amid allegations of sexual harassment, which led to his departure from the network. Since then, he has continued to write books and make occasional media appearances, but he no longer has a regular television platform. His career has been marked by both popularity and controversy, and he remains a notable figure in American media and politics. If there’s anyone who can comment on Joe Biden and the failures of the current White House, then Bill is certainly one of them. Watch his video below:

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