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James Woods shares bizarre video, sets Internet comments on fire

Actor James Woods is a legend in Hollywood, but he’s an even bigger legend on X where he randomly shows up outta nowhere and drops a megaton bomb every time he posts. This time James Woods said: “Is this from a movie? It can’t be real” and he shared a very bizarre video that looked like one thing, but was something totally unexpected.

The video at the bottom of this blog post starts off looking like it’s a red carpet Hollywood event, but it ended up being a weird funeral video. There’s a tall lanky thing in a dress strutting down the red carpet like it’s a movie preview, but nope – they’re on the way to see a casket with some dude in it. I’m not even kidding, this is really what’s in the weird funeral video.

If you want to make things even funnier, many people on James Woods’ thread are suggesting that may be a dude in a dress and not a woman. Look brotha, whatever floats your boat, go with it. I couldn’t care less, but I’m just wondering where they came up with the money for this hoo-ra-ra photoshoot that has a dead guy at the end. If there was one way to go out, then I guess having a 6-foot transvestite walking down the red carpet is it!

If you’re looking for a good time, then follow James Woods on X. You won’t be disappointed. Now scroll down a tiny bit and watch the video shared by James Woods right here:

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