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Hillary Clinton accused of fearmongering after comments designed to frighten women, strike fear in others

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and failed presidential candidate, spoke with “CBS Mornings” about the Supreme Court’s abortion ruling and suggests it could lead to other decisions being turned back – despite no evidence any other decisions are being turned back. She’s being criticized on social media for fearmongering and trying to strike fear in people, particular women who may find themselves debating an abortion.

Hillary Clinton was on CBS Mornings speaking specifically about the Supreme Court overturn of Roe v Wade, but tried to link in other topics as if they were coming up next week – but they’re not, it appears to be a tactic to cause people to worry about “what’s next” even if nothing is next.
The former first lady, and wife of Bill Clinton who was part of a tryst with Monica Lewinsky, said about Justice Clarence Thomas: “I went to law school with [Justice Thomas]. He’s been a person of grievance for as long as I have known him — resentment, grievance, anger… Women are going to die, Gayle. Women will die.”

Hillary Clinton also made a comment about packing the court with people who don’t value women’s rights. It was a notable quote coming from the failed presidential candidate who is married to a man who had an affair with Monica Lewinsky:
“I think that was the goal of packing the Court with justices who were on the record for many years of being against women’s constitutional rights to make decisions about our own bodies. I was deeply sorry that it actually happened… But now that it has happened, I think everybody understands that this is not necessarily the only effort that we’re going to see this Court undertake to turn back the clock on civil rights.”
CBS Mornings reported that Justice Clarence Thomas has not responded to an inquiry for a comment.
Some comments posted on Yahoo News show mass amounts of dislike and commentary about Hillary Clinton.
Gerald: What a false assumption that anyone with common sense and decency would want to hear Hillary Clinton’s opinion about anything. How about hearing her opinion about what might have happened to her in Russia if she had pulled the same thing she pulled on Trump with Putin in an election?
Johnny: Why does anyone even care what she has to say? Nothing she thinks is of any relevance today. Even women, and her own party wanted nothing to do with her when she was a viable candidate. My wife told me that a woman President would be great. Just NOT THAT woman.
J: Hillary should be busy working on her plans to end the possibility that Jeffery Epstein’s friend, Ms. Maxwell, can testify against Bill for any wrong doing with minors provided by Epstein. So far Epstein “himself” committed “suicide” while in jail. Now Ms. Maxwell has been placed on “suicide watch” which is the next part of Hillary’s master plan to coverup the inevitable demise of Ms. Maxwell..
Amilsh: This drama, and bile she spews is EXACTLY why she’s not the potus. She’s so hateful. She doesn’t care about black people, or their opinions.

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