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‘Furries’ are in the news, here’s why


There’s a story going around about ‘furries’ in a middle school. There’s allegedly been a protest and a news report about it. And then there’s me, laughing my ass off at the fact a full grown furry thing is on the news giving her opinion. What a time to be alive, this is hilarious.

So what happened with the furries and the protest? I have no idea what really happened because there’s like 12 different narratives going around and they all sound pretty stupid if you want me to be honest. Some folks who are fishing for LIKES on X are saying the furries were running around the school in full outfits. An actual news website said the school basically said nothing like that was happening. It was more like students wearing headbands or earphones that might have ears on them. Let’s see what the furry news article said:

Video of middle schoolers walking out of a Nebo School District school in Payson on Wednesday quickly spread in conservative social media circles, with posts claiming the students were protesting because the district was allowing student “furries” to “terrorize” other students.

Conservative radio host *************, who shared video of the walkout to X, wrote in a post that the student who organized the protest told him student “furries” were biting, scratching and spraying “human repellent” at other students, “and when a student retaliates they are the one who gets suspended.”

I took the guy’s name out because if he’s lying just to get attention and more followers, then I’m not supporting him or his bullsh*t – especially at the expense of a bunch of students. That’s not cool. If it’s real, then I think we need to hear from real students and see evidence of this taking place in the school. Everyone’s got a phone now, right, so where’s the videos? The story from SLTRIB continues:

Nebo School District spokesperson Seth Sorenson said that claim was false. He also said students at the middle school are not wearing full-body animal costumes to class, as “furries” — part of a subculture of people who sometimes dress up like animal characters but act like humans — are known to do.

The claims, whether true or not, spread on social media and a lot of folks got a good laugh at it after the video above was posted.  Then the news story about the alleged furries continued:

Sorenson said the Wednesday protest seemed to be organized after a district message sent to families last week was misinterpreted. The message was sent after a group of students had been targeting another group of students, saying things “that were overheard by others that the administration felt were inappropriate and shouldn’t be said,” Sorenson said.

The group of students being targeted, he added, were students who sometimes come to school wearing headbands “that may have ears on them.” He said doesn’t think the targeted students necessarily refer to themselves as “furries.”

“These are pretty young kids,” he said. “You’ll have students that show up with headbands and giant bows; you’ll have students that show up dressed as their favorite basketball player, or baseball player. That’s just what kids this age do.”

Exactly. They’re young kids. Make sure they’re on the right path for life, using the right pronouns and not thinking they’re the wrong gender – then leave them alone. Let them be kids.

The school sent the message to families last week, after word of the school’s intervention with the students making comments spread. A copy of the message wasn’t immediately provided to The Salt Lake Tribune late Wednesday afternoon, because Sorenson said the campus and its staff had since dismissed for the day and he didn’t have a copy on hand.

But Sorenson said he thinks some parents misinterpreted the note, incorrectly taking it as a message that the school was “taking the side of a single group, saying, ‘We want you to be kind to this group, but they don’t have to be kind to anyone else.’”

“Nobody was taking the side of one group or another,” he said. “What we were saying is everyone needs to treat everyone else with respect.”

Cool. This whole story is beyond stupid, but at least we got a funny video of a furry on the news. When Beto O’Rourke comes out in full furry costume, let me know. Is he still in politics? Haven’t heard from him in ages since he was never relevant to begin with 🙂

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