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FOP vs ‘Reacher’ star Alan Ritchson

You know that show ‘Reacher’ with the big buff dude Alan Ritchson? Turns out he’s a giant douche bag. He, a wealthy celebrity who acts out fight scenes and has borderline stupid lines in most movies, maybe because he can’t remember any line longer than like 10 words, and he had the nerve to be talking trash on police officers and saying that cops ‘get away with murder all the time.’

This guy acts out fight scenes while police officers are getting into real fights on a daily basis. I think it’s time for this oversized fake Hulk to sit down and realize how lucky he is to work a job where he cashes checks for pretending to get into fights, while people making a lot less money are getting punched in the face, spit on, shot at, and attacked almost daily. Put your big ass in perspective, Mr. Alan.

The National Fraternal Order of Police had a few words for Alan Ritchson and wrote them in post on X:

While Mr. Ritchson gets his face and forehead powdered on set, our officers are out doing a job he doesn’t have the courage to do.

While he gets to hear loud pops and have blanks fired at him, our officers feel the heat of the bullets as they pierce their skin.

There are no take two’s or take three’s in real life Mr. Ritchson. We have people who want to kill us and we play for keeps.

Just another useless Hollywood actor, virtue signaling for attention at the expense of brave police officers around this country.

Go back to your pampered life and let the heroes handle this.

And there you have it. See the full tweet here.

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