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Elon Musk fires another round of Twitter employees

Elon Musk announced a new wave of layoffs, sending more Twitter employees home for the holidays. Musk is cutting more workers to balance out each team, sources familiar with the situation have said, but it remains unclear how many people lost their jobs. Musk has already fired half of Twitter’s 7,500-person workforce after taking control of the company earlier this month, affecting staff members in product trust and safety, policy, communications, tweet curation, ethical AI, data science, and other departments.

And now he has started to cut additional layoffs. The company’s head of ad sales, Robin Wheeler, and Twitter’s vice president of partnerships, Maggie McLean Suniewick, were both fired recently after they didn’t agree to terminate more workers, while Twitter’s head of US content partnerships, Sarah Rosen also left the social media platform, reported The Verge.

When Musk asked them to commit to an “extremely hardcore” work culture with “long hours and high intensity,” hundreds of workers resigned from Twitter. The staff was required by Musk to reply “yes” to a Google form as a sign of their commitment or leave the company with severance.

It was previously reported that multiple “critical” teams responsible for keeping the site up and running have either resigned completely or have almost no one left. Former and current employees believe there’s a high chance of the platform breaking soon, as there are very few people left to maintain Twitter’s back end.

For example, Twitter no longer has a communications department to contact for comment. If Musk continues firing people at this tempo, he will most certainly find himself alone in the company, looking where his staff has gone. Just like that famous John Travolta meme.

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