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Elisa Jordan video… yeah, she’s gonna need a lawyer


Video of a former Howard Stern employee getting into a physical altercation with a man while she is driving is a good enough reason for her to lawyer up. Her name is Elisa Jordan and she was live streaming video while driving, which should be illegal if you ask me. Jordan is driving and there’s a man sitting in the passenger seat. I have no clue who that man is, but she randomly just starts hitting him in the face, knocking his glasses off, and it was like out of nowhere.

Then it escalated quickly to the point he was defending himself and dragged her out of the car by her hair. I don’t know what happened before this video took place, but I know these things for sure: 1) live streaming while driving is stupid and she should be charged with a crime for that. 2) Attacking that man while she was driving was horrible too and she deserves more charges for that. 3) That guy should take her to court immediately and press as many charges as he can. Elisa Jordan put herself, him, and anyone on the road in danger and she needs to be locked up to learn a lesson for what she did. This was just outrageous and attention seeking behavior. 100% unacceptable in any society. if you want even more details and insight on the Elisa Jordan video, then check out this Reddit thread.

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