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Dean Cain: “I promise you, as Superman, I wouldn’t today be allowed to say ‘truth, justice, and the American way’

Former Superman actor, Dean Cain, weighed in on cancel culture during an interview on Fox News. Cain was talking to Ainsley Earhardt when he took cancel culture head on and essentially called it insane.

He said that in today’s culture, if he were Superman right now, that he likely would not be able to say “truth, justice, and the American way” – the now former motto of Superman’s character over the years, but is going to be changed to drop the “American” out of it.

At one point Ainsley Earhardt said: “Oh my gosh. You’re right. You’re absolutely right” and discussed other shows or characters that have faced the cancel culture mob in one way or another, referencing Paw Patrol – a show my kid absolutely loves by the way (I do too, but don’t tell anyone).


Cain has been in the spotlight recently because the Superman slogan will have the “American” dropped out of it.  The new Superman motto is “Truth, Justice and a Better Tomorrow.”

Superman’s new character has also “come out” as bis-xual and Dean Cain, along with many Americans, were not very happy about that decision. Cain says it’s not “bold or brave” to do this with characters in today’s times.

He suggests that perhaps if they did this 20 years ago, then it would’ve been considered brave, but not now.

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