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Cohen’s former attorney may have unlocked Trump’s innocence


The lid may have just blown off the top of the Donald Trump hush money trial. First we had Stormy Daniels getting destroyed by lawyers during her testimony. She was so bad that you would’ve thought this was a recording of one of her gross videos, and even the director yelled CUT because it STUNK so bad. Now we have Michael Cohen’s former attorney suggesting that Donald Trump was innocent all along.

Cohen’s former attorney is being grilled and said that Michael Cohen didn’t believe the allegations coming from Stormy Daniels or that any affair ever happened – so Cohen took care of it and paid her to basically go away in hopes to protect Donald Trump – but more importantly, protect Melania from the embarrassment.

Is the story of Stormy Daniels having an affair with Donald Trump all a lie? Did she do this because she’s a bad adult star and no one finds her attractive, so she wanted to thrust herself into the spotlight and link herself to Donald Trump? This whole trial smells like rotten tuna. I’m pretty sure this is all just a way for her to get more famous and sell bad content, and for the Democrats to find ways to prevent Trump from working on his campaign.

Source: Simon Ateba on X, follow him!

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